On Thu, 2008-08-07 at 11:26 +0800, Dean Hiller wrote:
> My friend is having a different issue.  His sipx is behind a
> router/NAT as well, but he actually has DNS sipx.xxxxx.com pointing to
> that router and then has sipx in the DMZ(I am doing something
> similar).
> For some reason, when sipx receives an invite for [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> it forwards it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  why is this?  What is going on
> here?  sipx should accept the invite and send invite to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], shouldn't it?\

It depends on what you configured.  Is 'vt' the name of an ACD queue?

Scott Lawrence  tel:+1.781.229.0533;ext=162 or sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  sipXecs project coordinator - SIPfoundry http://www.sipfoundry.org/sipXecs
  CTO, Voice Solutions   - Bluesocket Inc. http://www.bluesocket.com/ 

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