On Sat, 2009-06-06 at 13:34 +1000, dned...@flexinet.com.au wrote:
> Ok, to sum it up i need to be able to accept calls from several ip's
> without actually registering to the itsp server.. the itsp has fwded all
> dids that i have to the sipx ip, the call gets to sipx and then fails due
> to authentication issues....
> here is where i am ... (copied IRC chat) ... anyone have any ideas??
> Thx in advance.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> <neddy> when i call in on a did from my itsp
> <neddy> and the itsp is forwarding all calls directly to my sipx ip
> <neddy> so there is no authentication at their end or my end everything is
> done by hard coded ip's
> <neddy> the problem is when you call in, it gets to sipx and six says...
> <neddy> SipProxy::proxyMessage authoritative authorization decision is DENY
> by 400_authrules for 38f38be429c4fdaa6f20643a37de3...@
> <Math> their IP is in your acl list?
> <mranga1> neddy : check out sipxbridge
> <mranga1> you need to have the itsp send signaling to port 5080
> <neddy> for ip auth?
> <mranga1> no
> <neddy> ok short story is all the phones, servers, everything has public
> ip's
> <mranga1> ah ok
> <neddy> so i need to be able to authenticate public ip's on the sverver
> that can call in
> <mranga1> sipx will not let you do it
> <neddy> from the itsp, from where ever
> <neddy> oh :/
> <mranga1> AFIK
> <mranga1> but ask on the list
> <neddy> i used to be able to do it in the older v3

What you may be running into is that in v4.0+, if the From header URI
looks like it's in the sipXecs domain, then sipXecs challenges the call
to authenticate the caller.

There has never been any feature in any revision that authenticated
calls based on IP addresses.

Please describe your configuration in more detail, and carefully
describe a failed call.

It will probably help to trace the message flow and see
what's going wrong.  See:


when you get the trace data, take a look at it using sipviewer
and/or post the trace with a description of your configuration
(identify components by IP address), what you were doing, and
which call in the trace you're talking about (by call-id or
frame number in the trace, preferably).

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