On Fri, 2009-11-20 at 19:39 -0800, Jordan Turner wrote:

> When I say "test" bridge, I mean the default SBC.  I removed the
> standard sipXbride-1 SBC and just entered a new SBC called "test."
> That's it.  Internet calling would use this "test" SBC and calling
> between remote workers WORK just fine.  If I use the default
> sipXbridge-1, the calls between remote workers do NOT work.  With the
> above I just mentioned, I do not even have an ITSP setup in the mix
> yet.
> If I use an ITSP like Flowroute as mentioned earlier, I use the
> default SIP Trunk SBC of sipXbridge-1.  All of my remote workers can
> dial through the ITSP and make "normal phone calls, BUT still NOT
> extension to extension or between remote workers by extensions.  for
> example, I cannot dial extension 1401 - my boss even when we are
> connected at the same time to the sipX server remotely (my extension
> 1402) - it works if I don't use the sipXbridge-1 from standard SIP
> Trunk setup.
> I hope you can understand here, if not let me know.  I've tried to
> explain it as closely as what the label says.  Forgive my lack of
> formal VoIP experience; however, I know my FW rules are correct as
> verified by Michael Pilcher book and pfSense blog on it.  5060 and
> 5080 are open on the WAN that maps to the sipXecs server's 5060 and
> 5080 ports. I've been working on this for 2-3 weeks straight now and
> I've tried many different configurations including on softphones -
> removed eyeBeam and using XLite now (paid to free). 

I know that you think you've described your problem, but please take my
word for it that you have not.  You've described a series of changes and
different things that fail.  What you need to do is carefully describe
exactly one configuration and exactly what doesn't work and exactly how
it doesn't work.

Your problems are separable.  I understand that you think that there is
a relationship between having a SIP Trunk role configured and not, or
one name and another, and the failure of extension to extension
calling... this is not the case.  A SIP Trunk (unless you've done
something very odd with your dial plans) has nothing at all to do with
extension to extension calling.

So... just ignore the SBC and debug why you can't call between
extensions.  Most likely it is because your registrations are not
working properly (the fact that the phones can originate calls does
_not_ prove that they are registered).

If the extensions that are having problems are remote, see:


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