On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 10:06 PM, Cypren Christenson <cyp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> True player-generated content of the kind found in SL is never going to be an 
> option for Blizzard, unfortunately. ..
> I don't say this to rain on anyone's parade, but just to explain why this 
> will never realistically happen, and why in some ways it's a blessing we 
> don't have to support or worry about those millions of WoW players.
if blizzard and LL did some sort of deal they could maybe have some
sort of "gateway"

(complete this list of quests go to this location and use this
device/doorway and you land up flipping over to the SL grid (or maybe
it would be safer to have a "Nevada" server serving as a bridge so
that you could have a "gatekeeper" NPC so folks won't be on the Main
grid with all of the weapons available)
Robert L Martin
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