
> Replying to the head with some observations with a "user of sling
> trunk" hat on rather than a core sling developer.
> If I make changes to sling trunk (eg usermanager servlets)
> and use the
> launchpad..... nothing happens.
> because launchpad depends on released versions and has nothing to do
> with trunk.
> Its just another patch that I have to maintain, which is Ok,
> but it I
> was coming to it fresh I would find it very confusing. (and
> have done
> for the last 20 minutes). There are some blindingly obvious
> pointers... if you know were to look, like the bundle
> versions in the
> console.

IMHO that's exactly the problem (or the point of view) which I
encoutered also: If you make changes to the actual trunk or if
you like to test the latest committed patch in whatever bundle,
where not the most recent bundle is refered in the pom of
launchpad/bundles, you test something older with the launchpad app.

My workaround is, that I patch the poms of launchpad/bundles and
launchpad/app. I think there should be an easier way for developers
to use the latest code base.

best regards

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