Well I've finally decided to give Debian a go on a firewall I am setting up
at work.

After about 4 attempted installs I realised it was easier than I thought
and I now have a working base system.  I am gradually getting the hang of
apt-cache search and apt-get install (You have to use them just to get
telnet working).

I am slowly hunting around trying to find how to get things to work.
Coming from RedHat I am spoilt by Linuxconf.  With Debian I can't find how
to do the simple things like add another network card or work out why
telnet takes 2 minutes to respond (probably a DNS config problem).  Should
I just start fiddling with config files or are there configuration

I found a thing called debconf but this seems to be a method for developers
to build packages.

Is there a "Debian for RedHat users guide"?  I have been hunting around
www.debian.org and reading the doco.  I guess what I am looking for is the
shortcut.  Over the few years I have been using Linux it has always been
RedHat.  Do I need spend a similar period getting to know Debian?  Are the
distributions all so different that learning each is like learning a
different OS?

I am looking at the ipmasq package.  So far it looks like taking a simple
system and abstracting it so far from reality that it becomes more rather
than less difficult than writing a script file and calling it from rc.local
(which is probably called something different and stored in a different
location to RedHat).

Did others who have made the RedHat-Debian leap  have similar problems?  Am
I just too impatient?

regards to all

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