I took the plunge about six months ago and once I got my head around
Debian sufficiently (about a month) to be confident, I got rid of all
our RH servers (about 6) at work and at home.

The reason telnet is off by default, I've assumed was because telnet is
insecure. Now that you've learned how to turn telnet on, turn it back
off, make sure rlogin and friends are not installed and install SSH:

- apt-get remove rsh-server
- apt-get install ssh

IMHO you should not be accessing a firewall with anything < SSH. 

If you like GUI things, there's GNOME-Apt for doing Apt things but I've
found the CLI (like with most things) is quicker once you know it.

It is also my understanding that IP-CHAINS is the current "best" tool
for firewalling. You may want to read the Firewall-HOWTO. I've used
IP-CHAINS for my home firewall and it's worked nicely so far (I believe
IP-CHAINS is being replaced in kernel 2.4).

After 5-6 years on RH or it's ancestors, it now feels alien and backward
to be using anything but Debian. Alot of this has to do with package
management because from a sysadmin POV, apt is a god-send.

On Fri, 19 Jan 2001 08:14:54 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Well I've finally decided to give Debian a go on a firewall I am
> setting up
> at work.
> After about 4 attempted installs I realised it was easier than I
> thought
> and I now have a working base system.  I am gradually getting the hang
> of
> apt-cache search and apt-get install (You have to use them just to get
> telnet working).
> I am slowly hunting around trying to find how to get things to work.
> Coming from RedHat I am spoilt by Linuxconf.  With Debian I can't find
> how
> to do the simple things like add another network card or work out why
> telnet takes 2 minutes to respond (probably a DNS config problem). 
> Should
> I just start fiddling with config files or are there configuration
> utilities?
> I found a thing called debconf but this seems to be a method for
> developers
> to build packages.
> Is there a "Debian for RedHat users guide"?  I have been hunting
> around
> www.debian.org and reading the doco.  I guess what I am looking for is
> the
> shortcut.  Over the few years I have been using Linux it has always
> been
> RedHat.  Do I need spend a similar period getting to know Debian?  Are
> the
> distributions all so different that learning each is like learning a
> different OS?
> I am looking at the ipmasq package.  So far it looks like taking a
> simple
> system and abstracting it so far from reality that it becomes more
> rather
> than less difficult than writing a script file and calling it from
> rc.local
> (which is probably called something different and stored in a
> different
> location to RedHat).
> Did others who have made the RedHat-Debian leap  have similar
> problems?  Am
> I just too impatient?
> regards to all
> Steven
> -- 
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
> More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug



Apt-get a clue. Apt-get Debian.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

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