On Fri Mar 19, 2004 at 18:14:25 +1100, Bill Bennett wrote:
>I'd like to like to teach myself to make a presentation.
>People who know no better have suggested PowerPoint.
>The list of analogues ^{*} has:---
>1) StarOffice Presentation
>2) Open Office Impress
>3) Kpresenter
>4) MagicPoint
>5) Kuickshow & gimp :)
>(I do not know the significance of (5).
>Has anyone any experience with any of these?
>That you can talk about?

6) The many latex presentation things:
   1/ Prosper
   2/ Chaksem

7) Tools for viewing postscript/pdf presentations:
   1/ Pspresent
   2/ glpresent
   3/ xpdf
   4/ acroread

Using latex is good beause you get good looking fonts, can reuse stuff
you have put in papers, get great maths typesetting.


(Too lazy to get urls for now)
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