On Mon, Apr 21, 2008, Jeff Waugh wrote:
>   relayhost =
>     [usual.server.on.normal.port]:25
>     [usual.server.on.submission.port]:587
>     [fascist.university.server]:25

Huh, I didn't actually know it was possible to specify more than one
server there (I thought it had to be done with an MX record or not at
all, and thus you get one choice of port). That should be a workable
solution, as long as I don't end up visiting too many networks of evil.

Everyone's solutions have been pretty interesting[1]. I'm surprised
(although, yes, I knew) that there aren't less sysadmin-y solutions:
blocking outgoing SMTP is getting pretty common. I feel bad users who
just want to send their mail already and not carry around a SMTP setup
cheatsheet for Outlook/Evo/something.


[1] Don Marti also has a fun setup with an automatically created SSH
tunnel firing up from inittab[2], I could also try that as my last relay host.

[2] Hrm, I guess this means learning upstart.
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