On 21/04/2008, at 5:22 PM, Mary Gardiner wrote:

People who suspend to RAM regularly won't find this as useful since most
of the time they will be bypassing their bootloader. Search paths from
/etc/resolv.conf and wireless ESSIDs are the closest I've come to
establishing definitive locations, and you put the scripts in your
equivalent of the if-up.d directories.

There's about 50 different packages that do "where am i" type functionality, one package is called, whereami. I'm not sure if there's a popular/ preferred

I have used something similar in the past in dhclient up hooks to change
settings on config files. Usually i would have the same config file
with different extensions and copy the right one over the main file and
restart a process if I had to, all in a dhclient up hook script.

ie cp main.cf.home main.cf or cp main.cf.work main.cf etc.

Michael Chesterton

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