I just noticed that I have the choice of fso-config-general and fso-config-gta02. I previously had fso-config-gta02 but I see that fso-config-general is more recent. I'll give that a try now.

I just tried that and things have gotten worse. openmoko-panel-plugin is now chewing around 40% of the CPU and I am unable to use it to turn on the GSM - that is, I can try to turn on the GSM but nothing actually happens.

I see the following messages from openmoko-panel-plugin which may be of interest:

org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freesmartphone.ogsmd was not provided by any .service files

org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freesmartphone.odeviced was not provided by any .service files

Am I possibly missing some required packages that provide these .service files?


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