Hi again,

After much frustration I've given up using my Freerunner as a phone until I can get this framework thing sorted out.

Current symptoms include random framework crashes, no sound on phone calls and no connection to the GSM network.

Is there any chance of someone posting some usable configuration files to this list?


Jonathan Schultz wrote:
I just tried that and things have gotten worse. openmoko-panel-plugin is now chewing around 40% of the CPU and I am unable to use it to turn on the GSM - that is, I can try to turn on the GSM but nothing actually happens.

Sorry for all this rambling but I engaged my brain and took a look inside the configuration files at which point it became fairly obvious that I needed to manually tweak the configuration file for my freerunner. It appears to work now, though I haven't time to really test it.

Cheers Jonathan

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