1. Sometimes fails to send SMS.
2. Sometimes fails to show new incoming SMS.
I also got reports from other users via mailinglist, but no
logs/traces. I don't have enough time to debug it myself.

That's no problem at all, I'm happy to try to debug this.  (Actually
(1) happened for me earlier today, but I needed to shut down the
phone, so I copied the logs from /tmp to /tmp/save, so that they
wouldn't be overwritten on next startup...  but unfortunately I forgot
that the whole of /tmp would disappear :-).)

As one of those other users I'm happy to send you logs.

But to summarise, I'm having 100% failure to notice new incoming SMS using zhone, and regular segfaulting using ophonekitd/SHR. When I examine the frameworkd log I see no trace of the incoming message being seen my ogsmd (should be a +CMTI in there somewhere). I have no idea what this might mean - the GSM chip isn't configured properly? the wrong firmware?

As far as SHR vs zhone goes, my 10c worth is that SHR is a better model - background daemon with separate apps for calls and text messaging. Ideally it might handle incoming call/text notifications using a system tray icon, but that's a detail. Presumably being written in C SHR is also lighter, but zhone's performance seems quite acceptable.

What both are missing right now is silently saving SMSs off the SIM, but I gather that aspect will eventually be done by the frameworkd backend.

I've also build and used paroli under debian, which worked about as well as SHR and zhone, with occasional crashes but generally OK. It uses something called tichy which handles SMS saving.


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