On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 10:06:53PM +0300, Nikita V. Youshchenko wrote:
> > > as you might have seen more and more FSO 2.0 subsystems are ready for
> > > prime time, so we have to think about how configuration works for FSO
> > > 2.0. Until now I used the same method as in FSO 1.0, which is having
> > > it lumped all together in one config file. For FSO 2.0 I'm leaning
> > > towards changing this. The benefit I see from one configuration file
> > > per subsystem is:
> > >
> > > *) promoting the fine granular usage of individual FSO subsystems,
> > > *) enable packagers to ship the config with the subsystem, if they
> > > want, *) a third reason which i forgot while writing this mail.
> > >
> > > What do you think?
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > from the Debian point of view I can support this idea, because it
> > would make packaging easier :)
> >
> > How do you plan to start the different subsystems, if each subsystem
> > uses it's own files? Will there be a init.d script for each subsystem?
> If I undrstand things correctly, mentioned "subsystems" are actually dbus 
> services, and as such, could be started on demand bu dbus daemon itself.
> This may be not true for a subsystem that takes long to initialize, in 
> which turn this subsystem should be started at system startup.
> Nikita

This may work for services, which can be started on demand, e.g.
ogpsd, but some of them are supposed to run @ system startup, e.g. I
want my display auto-disabled without requesting the event handler via

-- Sebastian

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