Ok, thanks for your feedback, I guess it's settled then. I will do the
changes at the end of this month.

> > > How do you plan to start the different subsystems, if each subsystem
> > > uses it's own files? Will there be a init.d script for each subsystem?
> > 
> > If I undrstand things correctly, mentioned "subsystems" are actually dbus 
> > services, and as such, could be started on demand bu dbus daemon itself.
> > 
> > This may be not true for a subsystem that takes long to initialize, in 
> > which turn this subsystem should be started at system startup.
> This may work for services, which can be started on demand, e.g.
> ogpsd, but some of them are supposed to run @ system startup, e.g. I
> want my display auto-disabled without requesting the event handler via
> DBus.

Indeed, dbus system activation should work for almost all services but
one or two. For those cases, you will need an init script or something

On a related note... my super-secret plan is to get rid of sysvinit and
make a highly optimized init process that does just enough to get dbus
and (optionally) X up. That may as well be incorporated into
fso-monitord, we'll see...


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