To each his own, but to me...that conclusion would be doing what you have told me in the past I was doing...reading something into the text that isn't there. ( IMO ) 


I do belive in eternal security, just like my pastor said here while back. We're eternally secure as soon as the pearly gates click closed behind our heels. :)



Often people will question and toss out a straw man with a statement like “What if someone chooses to renounce their salvation.”  While this is an interesting diversion for a theological discussion, in practical matters what Jesus is teaching here is that an occurrence like that will not happen.  Jesus says definitively that a person who is saved by God’s grace will remain saved.  He doesn’t qualify his statements with conditions, nor does he offer exceptions.  The question could be made about whether such a person was ever saved (or born again if you prefer), but that is a question that cannot be answered by anyone other than God Himself.  Jesus said that a person who was born again would not be taken from Him.  Therefore the theoretical argument is made moot.  How can we argue with the words of the Lord Himself?

Greg Hopper
"Why is it that our children can't read a Bible in school, but they can in

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