Yep, I understand what your saying as well. Just reach a different conclusion. :)    But He doesn't say good riddance when someone leaves, He continues to reach out with love...and if they come back not only welcomes them back but comes running with open arms like in the prodigal son. However, He does give us that choose to choose or reject the tug of His spirit calling.
I disagree that those who reject it were never saved to begin with, because I've personally   known folks who you could talk to and they would tell you how miserable they were away from God. You could see it in their eyes..without question they still "felt" that tug, yet they rejected it. I've watched them do the same thing in Church services, sit with tears running down their face..yet never come back. No doubt it was real, yet again they rejected the tug of the spirit they felt...
Far from being impossible, it's so easy to allow life to overwhelm us and do that to us. But you know, I suppose one reason I can understand what your saying so well is this. I've always said that above anything else I thanked God that He placed something in me that no matter how many times I messed up and fell flat on my face, that I would not quit. That's what your describing basically, right? So yes, I understand...completely...just looking around at those who have fallen by the wayside I know it can happen...and feel there is over whelming scriptural evidense to say the same thing.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Sndbox] Eternal Security

In a message dated 9/25/2003 3:43:29 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

No, I belive it's life long. I belive in free will......I believe He gives us the choice to begin with, and that we continue to choose to serve Him out of love. We don't lose our ability to choose, at salvation. I don't belive we become robots with no choice...which as David said, if once you are really saved to begin with if you have no choice...that's what it amounts to.

I think that's why it's all the more precious to God, because we serve Him because we choose too. Not because we have no  other choice  once we're saved, but out of love for the price He paid for our salvation.
And I know, those who disagree would say we don't become robots, we're not forced to or whatever. But if you maintain you can't lose your salvation, that's what it amounts to to me. In fact, a Southern Baptist minister sat in my home when I was Nicoles age and told my mother that even if I got on drugs later on in life and died in a druggen stupor I would be saved because I had been as a child. And that's not a isolated example,  my grandmother told of going to funeral, after funeral of folks she knew personally that were "preached into Heaven" because they were saved as kids. Folks who hadn't darkened a Church door in many, many years and lived lifestyles that were anything but Christian. That I disagree with, whole heartedly.....

I understand what your saying. but the way i look at it is when you make that choice to follow God that his spirit begins to work in your life and thats a huge change. even if you dont see it at first you can look back on it and see how hes changed you and i feel that once that has happened it would be next to impossible to turn away. to me i think that to say you have to continually choose is not giving him credit that he is working in your life. thats why so many people believe that if you turn away you werent really saved because that spirit of God would be there working on you drawing you back.   its like a parent when your saved you become a child of God. and as a father hes going to continually work in your life to help you grow as a member of the family not say oh well your leaving good riddence   you know what i mean? 


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