Angela wrote:
As I told Lowell, just checking. This is one subject I usually dont give my opinion on b/c in most cases most people dont understand it, but I feel I must explain. I dont consider myself pro abortion. I dont believe in goofing up and going out and having an abortion just b/c you dont want to be pregnant. But at the same time, I dont feel its right for certain women to feel like murderers b/c they were raped and wound up pregnant and dont want to carry the baby of a rapist. So I guess in that way, I am pro choice. It's not something I myself would want to do, but who am I to tell someone else what they can or cant do with their own body. But I do strongly oppose abortion as a means of birth control as I have known some girls to do. But not e'one that is pro choice totally condones abortion, so it seems kinda bad to say all pro choice people are pro abortion.
Some of the pro-choicers really do want as many abortions as possible to happen; the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a dedicated proponent of eugenics.

My personal position on the issue comes down to the question:  "Is the problem the baby's fault?"  The answer is, of course, in all but a vanishingly small number of cases, "no."  Therefore, the life of the baby should outweigh the convenience or circumstances of the mother.  Those few cases in which it is "yes" are identifiable medical emergencies that make the continued life of mother and baby nonviable.  The one I use as an example, because it happened in my extended family, is ectopic pregnancy.

Best wishes,


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