I think that happens more than most people think. Both by family and compassionate doctors. My wife made the decision to take out the ventilator on our two month old, three months premature, son. The doctor assured her he would be loaded up on morphine. The nurses assured us during the final days of my wifes life that the oxygen mask was not keeping her alive... Both my mother in law and I confided in each other that we wished we could take it off. Finally a doctor came... he took it off .... she died seconds later. I thanked him... His eyes flooded and he quickly left the room.

On Wednesday, October 15, 2003, at 01:34 PM, Charles wrote:

I don't really disagree. With my grandmother the nurse left the morphine
and syringe and said give her "what she needs". I think it is quite
probable that my uncle finally gave her a "little too much", but if it's so
I don't fault him one bit. Many of the people vehemently against dying with
some dignity are the ones who have never seen a loved one waste away and
deteriorate slowly, painfully day by day.

Charles Mims http://www.the-sandbox.org

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Tim Harder
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 1:38 PM
To: The Sandbox Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Sndbox] Right to Die

I don't think she is ventilated....ie. she is breathing on her own.
The reason why I say that is that if she was ventilated it wouldn't take two
weeks for her to die. I did see a tape of this woman and the lights
*were*on... I don't doubt that *nobody* was home, however.
I am not an expert on the definition of the word comatose. I think that an
overdose of morphine would be better for all concerned than waiting for her
to starve to death. My reasoning is that even though she has been kept
alive by artificial means... not feeding her any more is taking action to
let her die... I don't see the difference between that and giving an
overdose of morphine. JMO

As far as who gets to choose... I am in total agreement with Charles and
Jen. I just think that if you are going to let her die... get it over with.

On Wednesday, October 15, 2003, at 02:22 PM, Jen -- wrote:

Is she on breathing machines or she is breathing on her own ?

If she is honestly comotose as well as brain dead, removing the
feeding tube
is not going to be painful for her.

Im not being judgemental because I dont know the circumstances, but I
imagine wanting to keep a person comotose for 13 years. That doesnt
anyone in the situation. Although, I do agree with Charles, other
members of
the family should not be able to come in and fight the decision that
next of kin has made. He/she must have her reasoning.

I have seen two people a few years ago die basicly after they became
dead. In one of those situations I was the decision maker and in one I
wasnt. But that decision isnt easy and noone should be *made* to change
their mind because someone else doesnt agree.


Jen --
----- Original Message -----
From: "Charles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'The Sandbox Discussion List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 9:05 AM
Subject: RE: [Sndbox] Right to Die

Actually, the hospice folks here swear that removing the tube is
more peaceful for the patient than other methods.  Their body shuts
goes to sleep.

Charles Mims http://www.the-sandbox.org

-----Original Message----- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Laurie
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 11:38 AM
To: The Sandbox Discussion List
Subject: RE: [Sndbox] Right to Die

I have a problem with just stopping the feeding tube.
That is starving her to death...nope...can't go with that..but if she
braindead, or in a permanent vegitative state, I can see increasing
meds and ending her life that way....no suffering. In my opinion,
is painful and suffering occurs.

--- David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm like you on this one. We had a tough decision with Julie's
mom...but fortunately the doctor was able to ask her mother if she
wanted more pain medicine or did she want to be more alert. She
the pain medicine and it basically put her to sleep then shut her
She was in so much pain
and suffering from the cancer. Now this case is a bit different, but
if they feel that taking the woman off of the feeding tubes will
her pain and make her suffer, I'm not for her suffering. I say since
she is basically dead anyway, then give her enough medication to let
it be an easy transition. I don't like playing God, but I don't
that is the case.

David L.

Ben Franklin:  "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As
nations become corrupt, they have more need of masters."

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Charles
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 9:58 AM
To: 'The Sandbox Discussion List'
Subject: RE: [Sndbox] Right to Die

I haven't decided on this one. The woman has been vegetative for 13 years. For all practical purposes she is not alive, and reports I've heard is that her brain waves are severely deteriorated. The drain on her immediate family (Husband (children?)) must be enormous not even counting the financial drain keeping her artificially alive.

I'm looking at it like this, my wife (who according to the laws of
state of FL is my next of kin) knows my wishes. If she made the
difficult decision to cease heroic measures on me I wouldn't want my
mother to be able to step in and make a different decision. If the
extended family wins in this case, that is the precedent that will be

I know for *ME* I don't want to live like that.
Take the tube away.  If it
is the only thing keeping me alive, I mean, and I'm not conscious.
Now if I were still conscious and just couldn't eat, then it is a
different story.

Charles Mims http://www.the-sandbox.org

-----Original Message----- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tim Harder Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 10:38 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [Sndbox] Right to Die

Has anyone been paying attention to the woman in Florida who has been
a vegetable since 1990. They are going to remove her feeding tube...
They say she will *probably* die in about two weeks....
Does anybody else find
this disturbing? I suppose they will have her loaded up on pain
Is it better for her to go this way... or would it be better for
someone to give her a lethal dose of something?


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and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the
making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.
Delicious ambiguity.
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