I see what you are saying...very tough call.

David L.

Ben Franklin:  “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt, they have more need of masters.”

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Charles
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 7:37 PM
To: 'The Sandbox Discussion List'
Subject: RE: [Sndbox] Feeding Tube Removed

Some of the items in this article have been flatly called untrue by his attorneys, some of it (such as him receiving the medical trust) is not legal in FL.  So you see part of the problem, both sides have an axe to grind and the poor woman is caught right in the middle.
I doubt very seriously after 13 years there is a single penny of the medical money left, insurance quite assuredly ran out a long time ago.
Further inconsistencies...Michael Schiavo has confined Terri to a nursing home (currently, Terri is in a Hospice facility) where she is 'maintained.'
He did this all on his own?  Without a doctor's order or supervision?  What about all of the doctors she has had?  Are they *all* forgetting their Hippocratic oath to collude with the husband to get her money?
Then you have a parade of doctors that have studied the case and testified under oath in several FL courts.  Are all of these doctors risking perjury to help him kill his wife?
I still don't like the idea of them removing the feeding tube, and if the courts had ruled against him on *medical reasons alone* I would not mind one bit.  However, it weakens the next of kin laws which are there for some very good reasons.
Are all the courts hoodwinked as well?  If they are this Michael guy must be one good salesman.  FL's law says the next of kin is the spouse.  Feeding tubes are legally considered "heroic measures" *ONLY* in  a terminal case.  What that means is if the physicians didn't consider her terminal then the feeding tube would not be considered life support.
I'm not saying he's the good guy in this, but I am saying that the article here plays a little fast and loose with the facts.
Charles Mims

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Greg Hopper
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 6:18 PM
To: The Sandbox Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Sndbox] Feeding Tube Removed

I find it very disturbing that it could be called anything else, just reading those two articles. One by a doctor, and the other talking about a person that smiles, laughs, and cries..just to name a few. Unreal....
----- Original Message -----
From: GOP Momma
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 5:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Sndbox] Feeding Tube Removed

exactly what I have been saying.
Low Carbers
Hair Pretties
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 5:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Sndbox] Feeding Tube Removed

Yeah, I'd call it enlighteing. The guy is committing murder if she dies IMO.....

Terri's Situation

Terri was 26 years old when she suffered brain damage from a sudden collapse.  Terri receives her food and water by means of a feeding tube. Terri’s other bodily functions are physically stable. Terri smiles, laughs and cries. Terri recognizes voices and responds. At times, she vocalizes sounds, trying in her best way to speak. Terri is not a brain dead vegetable as characterized by her husband and legal guardian, Michael Schiavo nor a houseplant as implied by his attorney.  Terri is not on a respirator or any artificial life support. She is a living human being and needs to be granted an opportunity to recover. Terri has not had any progressive rehabilitation or arousal therapy in more than ten years.

In a trial initiated by Michael Schiavo, Circuit Court Judge, George W. Greer, issued a verdict delivered on February 11, 2000. Judge Greer granted authorization to discontinue Terri’s feeding tube. Judge Greer’s verdict will cause Terri to die in 10 to 14 days. Terri’s death will be by painful starvation.


In a malpractice lawsuit, Terri’s husband personally received over $300,000 for his loss of consortium. Terri was awarded $750,000 from this suit and an additional $250,000 from a separate malpractice lawsuit. The money was awarded to Terri for her care and rehabilitation and to be placed in a Medical Trust Fund.  Terri’s husband received his personal award money and Terri’s medical fund money in early 1993. From the date he received the award money in 1993, Michael Schiavo has denied Terri any rehabilitation treatment. Michael Schiavo has confined Terri to a nursing home (currently, Terri is in a Hospice facility) where she is 'maintained.'

Her husband has directed that Terri only be sustained in a nursing home which is contrary to the intent of the award money.  Michael Schiavo has on two occasions unsuccessfully attempted to end Terri’s life by instructing her caretakers not to medicate Terri for potentially fatal infections. The first occasion occurred less than nine months after her husband received the malpractice award money.

Some Facts
  • Terri has no will. Should she die, her husband will inherit what is left of Terri’s $750,000 medical fund.
  • Terri’s husband lives in a house with Jodi Centonze. He openly admits that he has been engaged to this women for over seven years, have recently given birth to a baby girl, and has announced plans to marry her when Terri is no longer alive.
  • Since receiving the award money in 1993, her husband has ceased and prohibited any new or aggressive treatment for Terri. He has only maintained Terri at a nursing home (currently, Terri is in a Hospice facility).  He has totally ignored or denied rehabilitation therapy that could possibly assist Terri’s recovery.
  • Since 1993, Terri’s husband has consistently and deliberately withheld all medical information and data from Terri’s family. Over the past eight years he has ordered Terri’s caretakers not to reveal any medical or neurological information
  • Michael Schiavo will not permit any doctor to examine Terri other than the doctors he selects.
  • As Terri’s legal guardian, her husband has used her medical fund money to offset the legal costs when his guardianship of Terri was initially challenged and to pay the current legal costs to have Terri’s life ended.
  • Terri responds regularly to the presence of her parents and friends. Her husband's doctors testified Terri's cognizant responses to Terri’s parents and friends are simply a reflex action.

the terri schindler-schiavo foundation
4615 gulf blvd # 104-103, saint petersburg beach, fl 33706

tax id number 23-3031168



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