Having multiple models is a copout on using your skills regardless of
the Reynolds numbers. 

Saying its okay because everyone else is doing it is poor logic. Does
that mean I should run red lights since I see everyone else do it?

You guys are all skipping the issue of using pilot skill to win, not
picking the right plane out of 14 models you have in the pits.

Jeff Naber

-----Original Message-----
From: Marc Gellart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 7:26 PM
Subject: RE: [RCSE] modification of rule 5, number of models

Jeff wrote:
By allowing multiple models not only are you causing an increase in cost
to fly the event and be competitive, you are also lessening pilot skill
required. The changing conditions are just what is needed to showcase
ones skills. Anybody can improve there chances with a model for every

I am disappointed that you as a CD of a major event such as the Nats
can't see this.

Jeff Naber

        You obviously did not read my earlier post.  I have very
specific reasons
why I feel that HL should be allowed to change ships versus the other
classes which in my opinion should not be allowed to change ships at
HL ships are small and work at the lower end of the reynolds numbers of
sailplanes, when you are flying unlimited ships this is not such and
They also are not very accomodating of balast in any practical form, let
tell you I have tried and usually only tore things up, from two meter on
ballasting is not near the practical issue.  Because of these two items
feel that HL sailplanes should be allowed to change for conditions.  Ya,
guy can have a bucket load of them, but you still have to get them
launched, and read the conditions to make it all come together.  And
for the record, all other major HL events do allow switching of models
the best of my knowledge, not that that in itself is a reason, but
convention does count for something.


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