On Wed, 18 May 2005, Bill Johns wrote:
> Anyone have any experience with the GreatPlanes Triton charger?  Any
> comments pro on con are most welcome.

Hey now,
        Been using one for a coupla years now more or less, and so far so
good. I charge nicads. nimhs. lipos, reciever packs, power packs, and even
transmitter packs. no problems, no worries.

        Rob CarterII K.S.C.                     Erica Frank K.S.C.
        High Episkapos A.J.M.C.                 High priestess A.J.M.C
        paratheoanametamystichood               P.O.E.E.
        of Eris esoteric

                        The Redneck Pagan racing team
                             in godess we trust
                        -Avatar Jones memorial cabal-

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