On Sun, 27 Apr 2008, Uffe Jakobsen wrote:
> > The part of the graphing script communicating with the device is this:
> >
> > printf \x11\x00\x00\x00\xB6\x00\x00\x00\xC7 > /dev/tty
> > dd if=/dev/tty of=/root/tmp/output bs=1 count=31 &
> >
> > The result I get:
> Looking at the script part that you've provided in your email and looking at 
> the supplied output
> I would say that you use the wrong tty device.
> The output that was supposed to go to the solar-device is output to your own 
> terminal.
> Now I'm not that familiar with OpenBSD but /dev/tty is usualy the system 
> concole device on most unix'es
> On Solaris/BSD's serial-devices/-ports are usually called something like 
> /dev/cua?? /dev/ttyd?
> But maybe someone on this list that know OpenBSD better that I can help you 
> with that actual device naming for serial devices on OpenBSD ?

In FreeBSD, /dev/tty is what ever tty you're presently logged in on, won't
even be a serial port at all if you're SSH'd in.  You need something like
/dev/ttyd0 (FreeBSD) to specify the first serial port.

You probably also need to get OpenBSD to take the getty off that serial
port.  Not sure how far OpenBSD has diverged from FreeBSD, but in FreeBSD
you'd edit /etc/ttys and find the line with ttyd0 and change the keyword
on to off, save, then "kill -1 1".  One thing concerns me is that I've
never run a Unix with no console device enabled, even if it was just an
unconnected serial port.

Another alternative is that there is a second serial port on the 4801.
You just need to bring it out to a DB9.  Beware there are two different
2x5 to DB9 wirings, beyond the usual DCE/DTE problems, and the
nomenclature is horribly inconsistent.  I went through all that to hook up
my GPS18, getting the wrong cable the first try.  I updated the Soekris
wiki on this, so check there to avoid my mistakes. ;-)

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