On Thu, 01 Dec 2011 00:05:43 +0100
Soren Kristensen <so...@soekris.com> wrote:

> The only email I found in sa...@soekris.com archieves from your current 
> email address was from 8/15/10 and your email was just one long complain 
> about things you wanted the net5501 to be like, it didn't ask any 
> questions at all....
> Sorry, but did you really expect me to spend time answering that ???

Actually, yes.
I dont know how you do business, but overhere people respond to
customers that are not exactly satisfied.

And i beg to differ, it wasnt a rant on how the net5501 should be,
but a rant on how many things you have overlooked during design and
prototype testing.
* HD mountings that obscure connectors and block the airflow to the CPU
* Venting holes that are placed in a way that they cannot work
* Inexistend documentation
etc pp

At least all the complaints about the net5501 overheating should have told
you something.

                        Attila Kinali
Why does it take years to find the answers to
the questions one should have asked long ago?
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