Soren Kristensen kirjutas:
> Hi Attila,
> You wrote in the old email:

>> 3) The PC87366 has three fan controllers, but none of these pins are wired to
>>    a connector. Interestingly though, some of the joystick pins are, but not
>>    all, which renders them totally useless. So there is no way to have at 
>> least
>>    some noise reduction.
> You want to use a joystick ?? 

He asks about fan control pins and wonders why these are missing, but 
some joystick pins are routed.

 > notice the dual use of all the GPIO pins on the PC87366 ??

By the way, fan inputs/outputs can be also muxed for GPIO. Harder to 
route than joystick pins?
"Who need joystick with router" is joke, but "who need use of fan 
controller" maybe not. Don't rant users too.

> some of them pretty strange, from somebody who didn't really get what 
> the product is designed for.

Allright, i have three of net5501 boards. All used as wired routers, no 
more. Without wifi and even without any minipci card. Only PCI slot 
occupied with Intel EtherExpress Pro card on two units. PSU-s are from 
Soekris. Operating system (OpenWRT, so it's generally linux) are same on 
three units. One works without problems over year by now (uptime is 387 
days). Two of them show random hangs, watchdog restarts. I can't see 
nothing strange in this setup, so, for what is use net5501 not to be 
designed? Please don't accuse people for doing "not to be designed, 
strange things". Finally, why then GPIO at all routed to pinheader, when 
you now decide, that using those is strange and for what on net6501 
Xilinx FPGA stays?

> learned long time ago that in all sales there are about 1% of the 
> customers you can never make happy.

Count me too then. I complained long time ago about one front panel LED, 
but this is mostly cosmetic error and i can tolerate this. Random hangs 
and restarts are headache. Using net5501 _without_ upper part of case 
helps some, but still not completely. I got finally standard answer from 

"Failure to include a detailed description of the problem will result in 
returning of the unit at your expense if it otherwise passes our 
standard functional test."

How i must describe if board randomly hangs? Works for weeks, then does 
3 restarts in a day. "our standard functional test" may pass, may not.

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