OK I can repro this. In a clean scene, create two icosohedrons, one radius
100, the other radius 2000.
Put a lambert on the small one and apply a cell texture onto a bumpmap.
Create a spatial projection and scale it's uv's to 200. Now this works, the
inner icosohedron has the bumpmap applied ok. Now if you change the size of
the outer icosohedron from radius 2000, to 3000, the bumpmap goes haywire.
Any thoughts? I've tried changing the clipping planes but that didn't work.

On 17 April 2012 15:02, Chris Marshall <chrismarshal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have a scene that came from Max, the scale is pretty big, ie I have an
> object 1500 units away from the origin (so not that big).
> But I'm having real problems with bumpmaps being generated on that object
> (using cell scalar nodes). Everything was fine, then I added an icosohedron
> scaled to surround everything, and my bumpmaps have gone very strange. I've
> tried freezing scale, different types of textures for the bump input, but
> it all ends up going weird.
> Is there anything obvious about scene size (distance from origin) and
> bumpmaps I need to know?
> Thanks
> Chris


Chris Marshall
Mint Motion Limited
029 2002 5762
07730 533 115

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