i believe it could be for the how hairs are filled between guides...
http://goo.gl/qwnIX  "Methods for defining smooth and continuous coordinate
systems in a volume comprised of a lattice structure of guide columns..."

he patented an essential part which is how we use guide hairs to control
render hairs.

On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 5:34 PM, Raffaele Fragapane <
raffsxsil...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Having seen extensively both, my feeling is this is complete and utter
> bullshit. There is hardly anything in common between the two systems, so I
> imagine the patent must be related to rendering time injection (because it
> sure as hell can't be related to the drastically different management and
> grooming approach), or one of those disputes that can only work thanks to a
> legal system that, in that domain, has taken the step into the twilight
> zone years ago and has never come back.

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