

#1, I recently wrote an application that captures bone data from a Kinect
for Windows devices (Important: this is not the XBox Kinect) and sends it to
a device driver running in Softimage. It is a functional solution for
getting the raw skeletal motion data into Softimage using the device driver
interface. I know there is already an ICE-based Kinect solution out there,
but this takes a different approach by using a device driver which I find a
little more to my liking. I can observe values in a custom parameter set and
pull the values from there to do whatever I need with them such as binding
in ICE or more basic expressions. Plus I don't have to run the simulation to
see what is going on, you just activate the driver and it works even while
Softimage is sitting in pause mode.


#2, I also wrote a driver that is designed to work with Xbox-style
controllers. The input data is provided as positional data and all driver
item names are mapped to Xbox controller names.


I'm wondering if there would be any interest in a bundle of these two
drivers & the support application for something around $50. I am really
under the gun to get my next game out (I'm a solo indie game dev) and I just
can't spend any more time on it unless I have some hope it can pay for the
time it would take me to make a proper release out of it. 


I don't want to assume anyone has any interest at all, and won't be
surprised if there isn't. I wrote these for my own needs and find them
useful so I am happy with that. However, if these sound like tools you would
like, please let me know. If enough people want access to them then I can
wrap up a few loose ends, do some more testing and do the various things I'd
have to do. If a lot of people expressed interest I would be keen to add
support for Kinect face tracking data as well as a plug-in mechanism to
allow people to easily filter the skeleton data with a .NET DLL  prior to
handing the data to Softimage. It's all doable but I can only take the time
if it makes business sense which I can only hope everyone understands.


Here are some screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/7ayDJ




Eric Cosky


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