Oh I think it may be useful for non fine motor tasks, just not drawing, sculpting, and similar tasks. And you do have to touch the iphone to manipulate, therefore feedback, or is there an app I don' t know about that allows the same without touching the screen (:/?

You make some good point about the state of the art in gesture manipulation. Shooting in the dark but I think maybe it's safe to say we'll have a market viable brainwave application manipulator before a hand gesture solution.

On 7/31/2013 5:01 PM, Raffaele Fragapane wrote:
Tactile feedback for 80 bucks might be a long way to come :).
There was a pressure based feedback piece at Siggraph this year that was interesting, but while pulse feedback (bursts of air pressure) is relatively easy and cheap to come up with, a continued feedback like the feeling of manipulating something solid, or even a high density fluid, in free space has a ton of conceptual unsolved problems (hands interference for one, one hand in front of another on the line of emission alone would send the feedback to the back of one hand instead of the fingers of the other).
Wouldn't hold my breath for that.

I think it shortsighted to ignore gesture feedback as irrelevant without force feedback though. The iPhone proved that much a few years ago :p

On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 7:51 AM, Rares Halmagean <ra...@rarebrush.com <mailto:ra...@rarebrush.com>> wrote:

    Neat. I'm all for improving the interface between user and app but
    as a modeler, sculptor and texture artist I can see myself getting
    some serious hand fatigue with this. There needs to be some
    feedback to be of any long term use.

    On 7/31/2013 4:44 PM, Raffaele Fragapane wrote:
    When you look at how easy it is to produce controlled and
    interesting frequencies with your hand (things such as a beat,
    accel/decel etc.) an 80 bucks device that can sample 10 sources
    accurately at 200hz is very, very far from useless :)

    Yes, fatigue onset would make it a silly thing to orbit the
    camera with for 8-12 hrs a day, but it's not like that's all you
    need to do is it? Surely there are things you only have to do a
    few minutes every hour or more that could use a sampling like that.

    Currently we have some things that translate well through
    hardware interfaces, and some things that translate poorly, or
    not at all. Additional input for something as natural as gestures
    is definitely something animators want, they probably just don't
    know they do quite yet.
    I know I've discussed this with some (animators) 10 years ago and
    a precise, cheap, on-desk hand capture device was a wet dream.
    When one comes out, everybody goes luddite?! Curse you animators!

    BTW writing something to use these devices, when they have a good
    SDK, is actually very, very easy. The data acquisition side of
    things is never a problem if the SDK is good.

    On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 7:31 AM, Mirko Jankovic
    <mirkoj.anima...@gmail.com <mailto:mirkoj.anima...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        leap thing may look cool.. for first coupe minutes.. let me
        see you holding your hands up in the air for longer than 15
        minutes alone.. not to mention couple hours...
        completely useless waste of time and money if you ask me

        On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 11:24 PM, Jon Swindells
        <squi...@gmail.com <mailto:squi...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            just as i was getting some work done too.

            damn you!

            On 31 July 2013 23:42, Cristobal Infante
            <cgc...@gmail.com <mailto:cgc...@gmail.com>> wrote:

                "get busy living or get busy dying" see you guys in

-- Jon Swindells
            squi...@gmail.com <mailto:squi...@gmail.com>

-- Our users will know fear and cower before our software! Ship it!
    Ship it and let them flee like the dogs they are!

-- *Rares Halmagean
    *visual development and 3d character & content creation.
    *rarebrush.com* <http://rarebrush.com/>

Our users will know fear and cower before our software! Ship it! Ship it and let them flee like the dogs they are!

*Rares Halmagean
*visual development and 3d character & content creation.
*rarebrush.com* <http://rarebrush.com/>

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