Are you Based in Scottsdale ?

On 23 September 2013 01:10, Guillaume Laforge <> wrote:

> > The reason we decided to post a job offer in this list, is more than
> evident.
> You never said it was a job offer.
> On Sun, Sep 22, 2013 at 6:29 PM, B&C Artist Pool <
>> wrote:
>> As Mirko said.  We are all grown ups here.
>> The reason we decided to post a job offer in this list, is more than
>> evident.
>> We appreciate your feedback in the way we are handling our talent search.
>> You believe that we are not serious because we have a page with HTML
>> tables, it's ok.
>> You don't like the "Intrigue" and "Drama" as you say, It is ok.
>> You believe it is a scam.  Ok no problem also.
>> And as we are a studio, yes, we have a limited number of seats.
>> We respect your feelings, and we also respect if you don't want to send a
>> simple e-mail to find out more.
>> But we are not changing our strategy.  As you can see, a lot is being
>> filtered out already by itself.
>> People that really want more information are sending the mail, and they
>> are being attended properly.
>> Our main 3D core is based on Softimage and that is why we decided to post
>> to this mailing list in first place, a list which we respect.
>> Here it goes again:
>> *We are looking for freelance talented artists, or small studios (3-10),
>> that are proficient and skilled in Softimage for our studio.
>> *
>> *
>> *
>> *If you are interested in who we are, and what we are offering, send an
>> e-mail to*
>> And you can decide if you take the next step or not into our recruitment
>> process.
>> Again quoting Mirko.
>> "We are all grown ups here".
>> Thank you for your time,
>> Sincerly
>> *B&C VIP Studio*
>> Artist Pool
>>  -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: Re: Looking for artists
>> From: Sebastian Kowalski <>
>> Date: Sun, September 22, 2013 1:08 pm
>> To:
>> what eric said is how I feel about that too.
>> from my experience there is no such thing like a closed pool. in an
>> industry living from fresh ideas, exclusivity is kinda unproductive.
>> everybody is looking for talent..
>> nevertheless, this is still a good place for job offers and I do wish you
>> a successful start.
>> -sebastian
>> Am 22.09.2013 um 21:33 schrieb Christopher Crouzet <
>> With your lack of transparency, your elusive descriptions, you betting on
>> people's curiosity, and your choice of catchy lines such as "VIP",
>> "talents", and "seats are limited", it sounds like all you're trying to do
>> is to catch the ones still hoping for the American dream. It's really just
>> missing a blinking yellow "FREE!!!" tag on a red background, and you're
>> done.
>> Just saying that whatever your thing is, you've been doing very well at
>> managing to make it sound not trustworthy in every possible way.
>> PS: and it has been scientifically proved that websites using HTML
>> <tables> for non-tabular data can't be serious.
>> On 22 September 2013 21:02, B&C Artist Pool <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hello Eric.  Yes our site is just one week old as we are new!
>>> And yes, neither we have seen this before for 25 years.
>>> All we can say is that the kitchen has been cooking this for about two
>>> years ago from now.  And it is time to start delivering the dishes.
>>> We can tell you what we are not.
>>> We are not a talent place site.
>>> We do not charge artists any fee.
>>> We are not a site that will ask you to enroll and pay a subscritpion, so
>>> other studios can come up and see your profile.
>>> We are a new studio gathering talent all over the globe.
>>> Seats are limited.  Once we have our team completed, we will stop
>>> sending invitations and we will announce it here.
>>> What pill will you take?
>>> The red pill, or the blue pill?
>>> Send the mail and discover what is behind that old corridor with light
>>> at the end that is at our site.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> *B&C VIP Studio*
>>> Artist Pool
>>>  -------- Original Message --------
>>> Subject: Re: Looking for artists
>>> From: Eric Lampi <>
>>> Date: Sun, September 22, 2013 11:19 am
>>> To:
>>> Sorry, but to not personally introduce yourself is weird, especially on
>>> this list. I don't think I have ever seen such a request in the 15 or so
>>> years I have been on the list.
>>> So I would like to ask you a couple questions:
>>> What is your name? Where are you currently based? Is your business model
>>> to act as a placement/talent scout?
>>> Your website appears to be only about a week old. Also, on that website
>>> there are no links. No reference to any credits, clients, work or contact
>>> info. Sorry to be so cagey, but on a few occasions I have entertained a few
>>> vague requests like yours in the past, thinking they were a legit studio
>>> only to find out it was just someone who wants a list of artists to act as
>>> a go-between of some kind between the artists and other studios.
>>> A little transparency would be appreciated.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Eric
>>> Freelance 3D and VFX animator
>>> On Sun, Sep 22, 2013 at 1:10 PM, <> wrote:
>>>> Hello Sebastian,
>>>> We are working hard to create something different, where a lot of
>>>> effort and hard work has been put into, just to reach the step of start
>>>> sending invitations.
>>>> We cannot reveal the curtain so easy.
>>>> We decided to post here first, knowing that this one would be a tough
>>>> bone to chew.  Most of the artists here are experienced and very high
>>>> skilled.
>>>> And we are not asking for weird or strange stuff at this moment.  All
>>>> we are saying is to send an e-mail to an address if you are interested.
>>>> We can't see how this will harm you in anyway.
>>>> So if you are curious, the least you can do is send an e-mail and see
>>>> what happens next.
>>>> What we can assure you, is that we are not going to ask you to give
>>>> away any credit card number ;)
>>>> It's up to you, if you want to open a new door or keep it closed.
>>>> Have a good one.
>>>> *
>>>> *
>>>> *B&C VIP Studio*
>>>> Artist Pool
>>>>  -------- Original Message --------
>>>> Subject: Re: Looking for artists
>>>> From: Sebastian Kowalski <>
>>>> Date: Sun, September 22, 2013 4:54 am
>>>> To:
>>>> hey b&c vip studio artist pool…
>>>> would be nice having some more information about that studio.
>>>> its a bit weird being a start up studio with places in ny, lon, van and
>>>> mexico city.
>>>> as good talent is rare to find, you should put a bit more effort in it.
>>>> maybe its just me, but that call sounds a bit blatant for my taste.
>>>> take care
>>>>  -sebastian
>>>> Am 22.09.2013 um 04:41 schrieb B&C Artist Pool <
>>>> If for some reason your mail to or
>>>> is being rejected, please try
>>>> again.  We are moving the server as we are recieving more applications than
>>>> expected.
>>>> Thank you and sorry for the inconvinience.
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> *B&C VIP Studio*
>>>> Artist Pool
>>>>   -------- Original Message --------
>>>> Subject: Re: Looking for artists
>>>> From: Sebastien Sterling <>
>>>> Date: Sat, September 21, 2013 7:14 pm
>>>> To:
>>>> Hello, What does B&C stand for :) ?
>>>> On 22 September 2013 02:10, Emilio Hernandez <> wrote:
>>>>> Great!  Count me in!
>>>>> Cheers!
>>>>> 2013/9/21 B&C Artist Pool <>
>>>>>>  Hello Softimage Community artists.
>>>>>> We are a new studio gathering talent all around the globe.
>>>>>> We are looking for talented freelance artists or small studios (2-10
>>>>>> artists).  Not only in 3D modeling, rigging, animation, particles, etc.
>>>>>> But we are also looking for Comp, Colorists, Concept, Shooting Board,
>>>>>> Motion Graphics, Match Movers, etc.
>>>>>> Softimage is our preferred 3D software and will be used as the main
>>>>>> 3D core in our Pipeline.
>>>>>> If you are interested or know some one that might be, please send an
>>>>>> e-mail to the following adresses, depending if you are a freelance or a
>>>>>> small studio, with the subject: invite-me.
>>>>>> Freelance:
>>>>>> Small studio:
>>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>>> Sincerely
>>>>>> *B&C VIP Studio *
>>>>>> Artist Pool
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