@Simon: Yes, for my purpose that would be enough

I'll try by best to create a simple script that allows me to do that, and
also adding a shrink wrap which is a good advice ;)
In case I'll bother you guys with some help for the script :D


2013/12/18 Mirko Jankovic <mirkoj.anima...@gmail.com>

> can also even add another shrink wrap on top of it to get reduced mesh
> closer to original one if needed
> On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 12:33 PM, gareth bell <garethb...@outlook.com>wrote:
>> Yes, I agree with Simon on this. A simple script that dupes, merges,
>> rename's and poly reduces would probably do the trick
>> ------------------------------
>> From: si...@simonreeves.com
>> Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2013 11:17:24 +0000
>> Subject: Re: ICE - How to quickly build low-poly geometry on high poly
>> meshes
>> To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
>> Polygon reduction does a pretty good job for this kind of thing really
>> especially as you can preserve volume etc.
>> Maybe you just need a basic script?
>> Select some objects, duplicate, rename apply poly reduction to them?
>> Would that be enough?
>> Simon Reeves
>> London, UK
>> *si...@simonreeves.com <si...@simonreeves.com>*
>> *www.simonreeves.com <http://www.simonreeves.com>*
>> *www.analogstudio.co.uk <http://www.analogstudio.co.uk>*
>> On 18 December 2013 11:09, Matt Morris <matt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> You Could try Guillaume Laforge's convex hull custom ice node:
>> http://frenchdog.wordpress.com/2012/01/05/happy-2012/
>> On 18 December 2013 10:47, Nicolas Esposito <3dv...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm building a set that will be imported into a game engine ( UDK )
>> So what I need to do is to create for each mesh a low poly version of
>> itself, that will basically behave as an "invisible geometry physical
>> entity" inside the game engine, means that the player can't go through the
>> object ( for example a wall ) as its blocking the player
>> So I'm not too concern about the low poly mesh to be 100% accurate, I
>> just need some kind of simple geometry.
>> I'm doing something similar by duplicating by meshes, join some of them
>> together, and then apply the polygon reduction tool in order to have a low
>> poly mesh of the object
>> I would like to make a quicker way to create low poly meshes, maybe by
>> creating a compound that can be shared among the high poly meshes ( or
>> applied to a group of meshes ), and if possible be able to rename the
>> created low poly mesh with a suffix named "UCX_" ( which renamer do you
>> suggest to batch rename meshes?)
>> I haven't tried yet to build geometry in ICE, so I was wondering if
>> something like this can be done quickly in ICE
>> Cheers
>> --
>> www.matinai.com

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