As couple guys already said.. people are going to learn maya like right
away but tools and pipelines they already have did produce a LOT of award
winning content.
strange times... rats over the boat, go jump but this boat still gonna roam
the seas :)

On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 9:27 AM, Sebastien Sterling <> wrote:

> Are you referring to the functionality offered by maya in the context of
> modelling, or the fact that it is split between 2 modules because AD can't
> be bothered to offer a homogenised and intuitive experience ?
> I'll give you an example, when you are using nex any time you SHIFT+RIGHT
> CLICK to access a marked menu option, you are basically leaving nex,you
> then have to turn it back on to continue modelling, when it comes to
> functionality that is not native to nex, thir is in fact no way around this.
> Maya has artisan for painting relax and smooth.
> However it has no in built commands to relax or smooth individual
> components.
> one of the worst and most glaring flaws in the maya toolset is the
> inability to competently hide/show polygon elements. the only option is to
> isolate, which requieres you to  invert your selection before hiding, and
> even when the elements seem hidden they are still technically there and
> selectable which is catastrophic as you may alter them without knowing it,
> and they obstruct your interactions, eg if i am modelling the inside of a
> mouth, i like to be able to hide the lips and interact directly with the
> elements i am modelling, in maya this is rendered futill as the hidden
> element is still there, so when i go to select it i am ultimatly going to
> select an invisible polygon. the only work flow i have seen people use to
> counter this is to model in wireframe mode and delete half the character, a
> luxury you don't get to do when a model comes back fr a retake...
> On 28 February 2014 08:19, Brent McPherson 
> <>wrote:
>> Interested customers should apply to participate in the Maya beta program.
>> The modeling group is very open and communicative. Many of our team
>> members have worked on products other than Maya and we are focused on
>> making Maya a great modeling program.
>> I'll try to find out more about the sign up process/requirements and post
>> details here.
>> In the meantime if you want to tell me what those one or two crucial
>> missing commands are I'm all ears... ;-)
>> --
>> Brent
>> From: [mailto:
>>] On Behalf Of Sebastien Sterling
>> Sent: 27 February 2014 22:44
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Best online resources to help with a Maya migration.
>> What i like about the tweek tool is that it compliments what is already
>> there in SI, and its pretty seamless.
>> Nex sticks out like a soar thumb in Maya, it brings great functionality,
>> but lacks one or 2 crucial command which leads you to flip between Nex and
>> the traditional modelling tools. it introduces smart elements cursor
>> snapping similar to the tweak tool in SI, as well as really cool transform
>> gizmo, that allows you to translate selections along 2 axis simultaneously.
>> but all this cool stuff is confined to Nex.
>> On 27 February 2014 23:21, Tim Crowson <
>> <>> wrote:
>> Blargh!
>> On 2/27/2014 3:53 PM, Eric Thivierge wrote:
>> Yes but not 100% there.
>> On Thursday, February 27, 2014 4:49:25 PM, Tim Crowson wrote:
>> Does Maya have anything like Soft's Component Tweak Tool with all its
>> crazy awesomeness? I'll use anything that offers something like that  :-D
>> --

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