On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 8:36 AM, Jordi Bares <jordiba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can I ask you Luc-Eric how is that the same engine was not put in XSI? the
> whole HQV reinvention seems to me like I am missing something.
> If you ware allowed to discuss what was the behind that decision? I am sure
> it made sense to someone but I still don't get it.

The HQV project in Softimage was small project we could do in one
release.  It was about finishing the already-begun MetaSL
implementation in the viewport, which you could enable with an
environment variable in Softimage 2010, and fixing a few things like
transparency and texturing issues that have been asked for a long
time.  It ended up being a bit more complicated, but we still managed
to do it with a few people.

It's not a new viewport, it's just installing realtime shaders in the
same Softimage viewing code as before.  It's the same thing as the
"OpenGL" real time shader mode.

Now Viewport 2.0 in Maya or Max... those are  huge multi-year project
with dozens of people, and work continues.  You need to change many
thing in your app to modernize it to the new viewing philosophy and
detach it from the old OpenGL and old ways of thinking/coding.  A few
years ago, when the plan for Softimage 2014 was made, nitrous and vp
2.0 were both young and struggling so it wasn't obvious at all.

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