A strong indication that even devs working on it know that the software
their evil overlords are hawking is worse then fucking dirt on the artist.

On 4 August 2014 00:52, Ben Barker <ben.bar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I always got the impression it was a support thing. Sort of like Gmail
> being in 'beta phase' for a decade.
> On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 2:47 PM, Ben Beckett <nebbeck...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> We have to ask why do autodesk feel the need to add bonus tool. They
>> should just come with the software.
>> On 2 August 2014 01:22, Sebastien Sterling <sebastien.sterl...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hey Will,
>>> Maya bonus tools might be what you are looking for (free addon for maya):
>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5oPTUHN-5U#t=67
>>> Dynamic joints added in bonus tools 2013
>>> Hope this helps.
>>> Give everyone at PB my best ;P
>>> On 1 August 2014 22:52, Jeremie Passerin <gerem....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hey Will,
>>>> I think they attach rig to a simulated hair strand... I'm not quite
>>>> sure but heard something like that.
>>>> Also MT_springs = Gear Springs. It's part of the contribution from
>>>> Helge to Gear.
>>>> The code is open source by the way, so it shouldn't be too difficult to
>>>> port it to Maya.
>>>> Good luck in your research.
>>>> Jeremie
>>>> On 1 August 2014 14:12, Will Sharkey <willjshar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I posted this at maya_he3d google group but there is so little
>>>>> traffic, only 2 posts over there today and I think they were all from me!
>>>>> I wonder if you all could shed some light on spring dynamics in Maya,
>>>>> maybe something similar to mt springs or the cool spring solvers in gear.
>>>>> What are some good solutions or tools to achieve this? I noticed there
>>>>> is a Jiggle Deformer but that seems point based as opposed to an offset on
>>>>> a controller. Any information would be much appreciated.
>>>>> Thanks!

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