Thanks for the replies. I was looking at simulated hair strands alright,
I'll continue that path of research now that I know it is used method. I'd
love to port MT_springs to Maya but am a little tight on time at the
moment. Possibly at a later date though :)

@Seb Thanks for the link. After I posted the question, I thinking that the
Bonus Tool may have a solution!

I'll post my results for anyone else who is interested.

On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 5:52 PM, Jeremie Passerin <>

> Hey Will,
> I think they attach rig to a simulated hair strand... I'm not quite sure
> but heard something like that.
> Also MT_springs = Gear Springs. It's part of the contribution from Helge
> to Gear.
> The code is open source by the way, so it shouldn't be too difficult to
> port it to Maya.
> Good luck in your research.
> Jeremie
> On 1 August 2014 14:12, Will Sharkey <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I posted this at maya_he3d google group but there is so little traffic,
>> only 2 posts over there today and I think they were all from me!
>> I wonder if you all could shed some light on spring dynamics in Maya,
>> maybe something similar to mt springs or the cool spring solvers in gear.
>> What are some good solutions or tools to achieve this? I noticed there is
>> a Jiggle Deformer but that seems point based as opposed to an offset on a
>> controller. Any information would be much appreciated.
>> Thanks!

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