And what are you demonstrating, Sebastien? A recalcitrant, chronic, and
annoying, selfishness with a strong flavor of stubbornness and whining.

I'm not defending AD nor Maya here, I highly dislike both of them. There's
a LOT of aspects in Maya that could/should be improved but everything has
been said hundreds of times already. If you think that constantly bashing
in such a way is going to help, I believe you're wrong. If I was a dev at
AD, I'd rather quit my job than having to deal with a community driven by
such behaviors.

Now I see two potential outcomes from wasting your energy and time
constantly bashing as soon as you stumble upon the word “AD”: higher blood
pressure and being blacklisted by potential recruiters on this list for
spending your time complaining instead of getting the shit done. How about
you spend instead your energy learning how to deal with Maya once for all?

And if you guys can't adapt to a different package because you're lacking
something as unimportant as sticky keys, then you should seriously think of
changing carreer. I mean it.

VFX softwares are in a transitional state atm and it's shit to be a user.
This will get better in the future but for now get over it.

On 17 October 2014 12:09, Sebastien Sterling <>

> And in doing so you demonstrated a recalcitrant resistance to change
> improvement and bettering of the package, for any reason. Further consernes
> where raised about the UI and you dismissed them. The reason Maya users put
> up with this shit, is not an incentive to do nothing. I'm sure a lot of
> Maya artists would welcome a clean up in the UI, think of initiatives like
> CADjunkie ZEN. if anything it shows you care,
> and that you are comited to exploring and optimising user experience.
> Thanks for sharing Jason S hadn't heard of that. I really hope they can
> pull it off.
>  "unless bought or bribed." i wouldn't worry too much about that, the
> French are notoriously stubborn i can attest to this :P
> On 17 October 2014 03:46, Luc-Eric Rousseau <> wrote:
>> No, the question of this thread is specially about whether someone
>> would build a softimage-like supra/sticky toolstack for Maya, and I'm
>> the only one that actually answered with any information on the
>> subject.
>> On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 10:33 PM, Jason S <> wrote:
>> > On 10/16/14 9:59, Luc-Eric Rousseau wrote:
>> >
>> >> So there is no way we're going to break the hotkeys/marking menus for
>> >> everyone else to jam in a softimage-like tool stack.
>> >
>> > Hum.. I hardly think the complaint is that it's not like Soft,  as
>> opposed
>> > to it not (at-all) being as 'streamlined'.

Christopher Crouzet
** <>

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