First, I hate Maya and I wish I wouldn't have to use it.

But we have to be fair, Maya is getting better, slowly, but getting better.
Well, it was so bad that it couldn't get worse.

The humanize Maya is too slow? Maybe, but you can't say it isn't happening.

You just can't expect the same workflow in a different software. You have
to give Maya's workflow a try before complaining about sticky keys or
things like that. I mean, don't try to use it like Softimage.

Customizable Hot box and marking menus, and the tools marking menus that
appear by combining a key and click are the way to go. Once you get used to
it, create your own custom marking menus and a few hotkeys ( I strongly
recommend custom marking menus ), it isn't that bad. And combining quick
slides (you don't need to wait for the menu to appear) with your
mouse/wacom, clicks and hotkeys can be even faster than using your
traditional Softimage hotkeys.

Make sure you get used (at least) to Channel Box, Attribute Editor,
Hypergraph, Node Editor, Outliner and Component Editor, because none of
them are equivalent to Schematic and Explorer.

If you can, a few simple scripts could improve it even more, but that can
also be said about Softimage.

Softimage keyboard layout isn't good either, I find it a little chaotic
having to move my hand all over the keyboard. But we all use different
features, so a little customizing is required to speed up your workflow no
matter what you are using.

I haven't tried yet Maya 2015, but in 2014 MTK doesn't feel very well
integrated, and a little buggy. Like selecting components with MTK and
activating Move would change to MTK move, but since it doesn't work with
objects with deformers you'll have to manually change it to the old move,
or select with the old selection. I found that if you do something to
accumulate history like adding an edge, you can use MTK, I'm not sure yet
how safe this is.

I guess they have too much legacy things that have to keep, when it would
be beter to maybe rewrite it, like the MTK and the old tools. Why having
similar tools doing the same ? the shortcuts collapse by combining legacy
tools and MTK tools. It stills feels like using NEX with 2013. BTW, if you
have to use 2013 or an older version, do yourself a favor and try NEX.


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