This may be an obvious thing, Eric, but did you try the "closest vertex"
method? Since you're transferring from the same exact shape, it should be a
lot faster than the default "closest surface".

On Mon Oct 27 2014 at 9:51:57 PM Matt Lind <> wrote:

>   You'll get the best results if you merge the meshes first, cull
> redundant deformers from the envelope, then do the weight transfer.  The
> part that's taking so long is you're creating an M x N x O array of
> deformers and vertices (436 objects * 161,000 vertices * NbDeformers).
> That's a huge envelope weights data table.  Moving that around in memory
> while retaining connections to all the dependencies feeding into the table
> is what's dragging it down.  Every new object added to the result triggers
> a refresh cycle causing all the data to be rebuilt from scratch, but with
> every new object the data gets larger at every step of the process.   If
> working with a handful of objects its not a problem, but your case is quite
> extreme.
> GATOR doesn't cull deformers from an envelope if it's not used, nor
> (sometimes) does it cull a deformer if more than one object use it.  For
> example, if two different objects use the same deformer, attribute transfer
> will sometimes add that deformer to the resulting envelope twice - once for
> each input object.
> I wrote our own set of GATOR tools to handle this problem.  It takes some
> time to work out the logistics and deal with the edge cases, but it's well
> worth it in the end.
> Matt

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