Its the perfect storm, XSI discontinued, Windows7 support discontinued (welcome 
virus and the like), Windows 10 privacy issues disaster and future upgrade 
obsolescence!! I wouldn’t move from Windows8 and would suggest to keep an eye 
on spare parts so you can stretch XSI as you think you need.

Other than that, the issue is clear, we have to move forward and only Linux 
provides a decent strategy, the rest is way too many compromises.

good luck

> On 13 Mar 2016, at 17:47, Fabian Schnuer Gohde <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got machines with Win 8.1 Pro at the moment and with the free upgrade 
> "deadline" approaching I'm thinking wether not not to take the plunge to 
> Win10 during the summer. 
> My main concern apart from privacy issues is that given the fact that there 
> will now be continuous rolling windows upgrades that XSI will cease to 
> function one fine morning. Much the same way that some programs stop working 
> with MacOSX updates. And no-one will provide updates to fix that.
> I'm mostly happy with Win8.1+ClassicShell but the fact that M$ and Intel want 
> upcoming hardware to require new Windows is perhaps a reason to update. I'm 
> still looking to use XSi for another 3-5 years.
> Does anyone with more knowledge of Windows internals and XSI dependencies 
> have an opinion on the likelyhood of M$ messing with something that XSI needs?
> Thank you,
> Fabian
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