It's paying off nicely! Thanks again! ✌

On Sat, Apr 23, 2016 at 2:30 AM, pedro santos <> wrote:

>  "if you're extremely smart and educated :D" =  "if you're *NOT*
> extremely smart and educated :D"
> lol
> Cheers
> On Sat, Apr 23, 2016 at 12:15 AM, pedro santos <> wrote:
>> Matt
>> I'm guessing what triggered your response was the word "slow". Notice
>> that I was mentioning me as an instruction creator being slower with code
>> to get to what I wanted not execution performance wise as nodes give me
>> that super power: Do more mistakes faster which is helpful to path-find an
>> algorithm if you're extremely smart and educated :D. It also didn't help
>> the briefing was not crystal clear to me from the start so I invested time
>> on several fronts, that was quite rich experience even though time was
>> wasted. But next time I need them, I'll rename that to "investment" :)
>> But at the moment the goals are clear and I nailed them with all the
>> inputs I received here too, so I'm thankful.
>> Like I said, I got that C++ course and will dive into it, but at the
>> moment I would not have produced anything meaningful for the task.
>> Thanks again!
>> Pedro
>> On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 11:29 PM, Matt Lind <> wrote:
>>> Um....I don't think your assessment is correct.
>>> The SDK is single threaded, but in this context ICE is too.  Past tests
>>> have
>>> shown that ICE performs ~30% slower than the SDK in single threaded tasks
>>> because of the additional overhead with nodes/tree evaluation.  If you
>>> can
>>> parallelize the task, then the game changes, but with all the issues
>>> you've
>>> run into, that's not likely to happen.
>>> You don't have to write the operator in C++.  Scripted operator will also
>>> work and be less hassle.  In fact, you could've been done with it
>>> already.
>>> If you have to deliver, the amount of time it takes to find the ICE
>>> workaround (and a reliable one) will exceed the amount of time it
>>> would've
>>> taken to write the operator using the standard SDK.
>>> do what you want.
>>> Matt
>>> Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2016 13:48:13 +0100
>>> From: pedro santos <>
>>> Subject: Re: Distribute between knots? Know the percentage position of
>>> a knot?
>>> To: Softimage Mailing List <>
>>> Will do Matt, one day. Got that C++ plus course I referenced. Seems
>>> great.
>>> But now I have to deliver something x) I apologize if this is cringy for
>>> you!! Yes the bits you talk about are the most annoying for me, building
>>> the algorithms in straight up code is already a bit slower but the SDK
>>> part
>>> is going beyong solving the problem at hand many times, and these are
>>> usually handled for you with node. Hail nodes! :D I'll meet that C++
>>> bipolar madame soon :)
>>> Was able to re-purpose "Curve Distance to Curve U" from Dual Curve Deform
>>> by Antton Tapani, to make my dual curve conform along curve length.
>>> Thanks everyone (!) for the inputs, they were helpful as what was
>>> requested
>>> of me kept updating! Here's the result so far:
>>> Cheers
>>> Pedro
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>> --
>> *------------------------------[image:
>> Alpiarça dos Santos >> <>
>> <>*
> --
> *------------------------------[image:
> Alpiarça dos Santos >> <>
> <>*


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