Um....I don't think your assessment is correct.

The SDK is single threaded, but in this context ICE is too.  Past tests have 
shown that ICE performs ~30% slower than the SDK in single threaded tasks 
because of the additional overhead with nodes/tree evaluation.  If you can 
parallelize the task, then the game changes, but with all the issues you've 
run into, that's not likely to happen.

You don't have to write the operator in C++.  Scripted operator will also 
work and be less hassle.  In fact, you could've been done with it already. 
If you have to deliver, the amount of time it takes to find the ICE 
workaround (and a reliable one) will exceed the amount of time it would've 
taken to write the operator using the standard SDK.

do what you want.


Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2016 13:48:13 +0100
From: pedro santos <>
Subject: Re: Distribute between knots? Know the percentage position of
a knot?
To: Softimage Mailing List <>

Will do Matt, one day. Got that C++ plus course I referenced. Seems great.
But now I have to deliver something x) I apologize if this is cringy for
you!! Yes the bits you talk about are the most annoying for me, building
the algorithms in straight up code is already a bit slower but the SDK part
is going beyong solving the problem at hand many times, and these are
usually handled for you with node. Hail nodes! :D I'll meet that C++
bipolar madame soon :)

Was able to re-purpose "Curve Distance to Curve U" from Dual Curve Deform
by Antton Tapani, to make my dual curve conform along curve length.

Thanks everyone (!) for the inputs, they were helpful as what was requested
of me kept updating! Here's the result so far:


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