Seriously, write a scripted (or C++) operator.  For this specific task you 
get a lot of the pieces for free in the SDK (including curve length) and is 
significantly easier than trying to make it work in ICE where the pieces are 
half-implemented and dodgy at best.

Even if you're not a savvy coder, the heavy lifting will be done by the SDK. 
The part you'll likely need the most help with is defining the parameters 
and how to install the plugin - but there are wizards for that.  It's not as 
hard as you think it is.


Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2016 18:45:04 +0100
From: pedro santos <>
Subject: Re: Distribute between knots? Know the percentage position of
a knot?
To: Softimage Mailing List <>

Ended up having quite the fun with Variable FK too.

But now I have a different problem and I need actually Path Percentage
constrain x) But, there's no percentage curve constrain via ICE. It seems
that I have to calculate it with repeat node like I've see in other
compounds so they add distances of samples until they get the desired
distance. I'm guessing this is what Cesar was talking about. But that slows
down performance.
Unfortunately ICE also seems flaky to update some parameters, basically I
solve all the Path% in a solver null and at each constrained null I get the
correct value from the array and set it on "self.object.kine.pathcns.perc".
But it seems that only if I inspect the values it "refreshes and works :/ I
guess this is the construction bit Matt was talking about. I'll try to
change the order of things.

But there's no known good performance constrain to path curve lenght wise,


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