How much memory does each server have? How much of that memory is
assigned to the JVM? Is anything reported in the logs (e.g.

On Mon, Aug 17, 2015, at 12:29 PM, Modassar Ather wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a Solr cluster which hosts around 200 GB of index on each node and
> are 6 nodes. Solr version is 5.2.1.
> When a huge query is fired, it times out *(The request took too long to
> iterate over terms.)*, which I can see in the log but at same time the
> one
> of the Solr node goes down and the logs on the Solr nodes starts showing
> *following no servers
> hosting shard.*
> For sometime the shards are not responsive and other queries are not
> searched till the node(s) are back again. This is fine but what could be
> the possible cause of solr node going down.
> The other exception after the solr node goes down is leader election
> related which is not a concern as there is no replica of the nodes.
> Please provide your suggestions.
> Thanks,
> Modassar

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