On Sep 23, 2009, at 12:09 PM, Michael wrote:

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 12:05 PM, Yonik Seeley

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 11:47 AM, Michael <solrco...@gmail.com> wrote:
If this were IO bound, wouldn't I see the same results when sending my 8 requests to 8 Tomcats? There's only one "disk" (well, RAM) whether I'm
querying 8 processes or 8 threads in 1 process, right?

Right - I was thinking IO bound at the Lucene Directory level - which
synchronized in the past and led to poor concurrency.  Buy your Solr
version is recent enough to use the newer unsynchronized method by
default (on non-windows)

Ah, OK. So it looks like comparing to Jetty is my only next step. Although I'm not sure what I'm going to do based on the result of that test -- if Jetty behaves differently, then I still don't know why the heck Tomcat is
behaving badly! :)

Have you done any profiling to see where hotspots are? Have you looked at garbage collection? Do you have any full collections occurring? What garbage collector are you using? How often are you updating/committing, etc?

Grant Ingersoll

Search the Lucene ecosystem (Lucene/Solr/Nutch/Mahout/Tika/Droids) using Solr/Lucene:

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