
We're currently evaluating Solr as a Sphinx replacement. Our site has
1.000.000+ pageviews a day, it's a real estate search engine. The
development is almost done, and it seems to be working fine, however some
of my colleagues come with the idea that we're using it wrong. We're using
it as a service from PHP/Symfony.

They think we should use Solritas as a frontend, so site visitors will
directly use it, so no PHP will be involved, so it will be use much less
infrastructure. One of them said that even mobile.de using it that way (I
have found no clue about it at all).

Do you think is it a good idea?

Do you know services using Solritas as a frontend on a public site?

My personal opinion is that using Solritas in production is a very bad idea
for us, but have not so much experience with Solr yet, and Solritas
documentation is far from a detailed, up-to-date one, so don't really know
what is it really usable for.


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