Solaritas was never intended to be used for production situations at
all. It's reason for
existing is to provide:
1> a way to show something prettier than the XML (or JSON or....)
responses to Solr
     queries for people just getting started.
2> a way to provide a very quick proof-of-concept/prototyping framework for
    _internal_ use. You can very rapidly produce reasonable looking
results pages for
     your business folks, product managers, etc.

It was never intended to be a customer-facing front end for Solr...


On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 6:39 AM, Marcelo Carvalho Fernandes
<> wrote:
> Now that you gave us more info about your project's requirements it's clear
> to me that Solritas should not be used in your project.
> ---------------------
> Marcelo Carvalho Fernandes
>  On 9 May 2012 04:56, "András Bártházi" <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Solritas (Velocity Response Writer) is NOT intended for production use. The
>> > simple reason, apart from that it is not production grade quality, is
>> that
>> > it requires direct access to the Solr instance, as it is simply a
>> response
>> > writer. You MUST use a separate front end layer above Solr and never
>> expose
>> > Solr directly to the world. So you should feel totally comfortable
>> > continuing to use Solr over HTTP from PHP!
>> Thanks for the response, we're agree.
>> Here is our situation, a bit more detailed.
>> I see only one reason to use Solritas:
>>   - a Solritas only solution, the architecture is more simple, and a bit
>>   faster as Symfony has 50-100 ms overhead
>> But I see a lot for NOT using:
>>   - a very basic (and a bit outdated) documentation
>>   - it's 3-4 years old technology, but no mention on the net about it -
>>   I've found about 3 mentions to use it for prototyping, seems to be nobody
>>   using it, nobody has questions about it
>>   - have found no public site using it
>>   - it's a template engine based solution, it has no framework around it
>>   (like Symfony - I miss a lot of features), it's a view - and implementing
>>   logic in a view layer is not a best practice (some logic can be
>> implemented
>>   using Java code, but it will still belong to the view layer, and
>>   practically)
>>   - it's a MODEL (a search query)->VIEW solution with almost no
>>   controller, Symfony is a full MVC framework
>>   - there can be only one search query on a page, and as we have pages
>>   with 3 different queries, and these pages are SEO related, it seems to be
>>   not possible to solve it with Solritas (using AJAX may be a solution if
>> SEO
>>   would not be important)
>>   - we have a lot of PHP based logic (just some basic examples: processing
>>   URLs, generating titles), some needs database access as well, porting it
>> to
>>   Velocity seems to be a huge task if it's possible at all
>>   - some parts, like our autosuggest solutions may be ported to Solritas
>>   easily, however it may need changing our quite complex client side
>>   JavaScript code, and seems to be a less maintainable situation for our
>>   programmers have direct access to the PHP code only
>>   - we have tasks those need the search engine, but have no frontend at
>>   all, like sending emails with search results based on saved queries, and
>>   previously sent results (do not send the same results again)
>> I may have not listed all my points, but these may be show my point of
>> view.
>> Bye,
>>  Andras

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