On 11/7/2013 12:07 AM, Rob Veliz wrote:
> Great feedback, thanks.  So the multi-core structure I have then is a
> single Solr server set up, essentially hosted by one domain owner (but to
> be used by both).  My question is how does that Solr server connect to the
> 2 Web applications to create the 1 master index (to be used when searching
> on either Web app)?  It feels like I just reference the Solr server from
> within the Web app search templates (e.g. PHP files).  That is logical in
> terms of pulling the data into the Web apps, but it's still not clear to me
> how the data from those 2 Web apps actually gets into the Solr server if
> Solr server doesn't live on the same server as the Web app(s).  Any
> thoughts?

Solr uses HTTP calls.  It is REST-like, though there has been some
recent work to make parts of it actually use true REST, that paradigm
might later be extended to the entire interface.

There are a number of Solr API packages for PHP that give you an
obect-oriented interface to Solr that won't require learning Solr's HTTP
interface - you write PHP code to access Solr.  These are two of them
that I have heard about.  I've not actually used these, as I have little
personal experience with writing PHP:


If you are planning a single master index, that's not multicore.  Having
more than one document type in a single index is possible, they just
have to overlap on at least one field - whatever field is the uniqueKey
for the index.


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