
What I think you're missing is that you are responsible
for pulling the data from your separate sources and
pushing it to solr via an update command. You can
do this in SolrJ, PHP, or any other package that supports
a Solr client. You simply address your requests (both
update and query) to the right core on your central server,
e.g. http://myserver:8983/solr/core/update


s far as using DIH is concerned, you have to supply
credentials, including the connection URL in the database

But I think you're right, you're not using multiple cores.
You'll probably have to write something (I use SolrJ) that
can talk to your two data sources, then combine the
information into Solr documents and push them to your
Solr server.

>From there, querying is usually fronted by an application
and the indexes are entirely self-contained on the Solr
server so no "reaching out" is necessary.


On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 3:50 AM, manju16832003 <>wrote:

> Hi Rob,
> mlti-core approach is different. You could have two cares lets say
> marketing-core [Has its own schema.xml and data-config.xml]
> magento-core [Has its own schema.xml and data-config.xml]
> each core have their own schema.xml and data-config.xml
> If you go by multi-core approach I guess you won't be able to achieve what
> you described or what you needed. You can
> query across two cores but that is expensive and tedious.
> The one you explained with having document type is just single core (Single
> index) and you differentiate each
> document by their type
> lets say document_type=marketing OR document_type=magento
> I think you could go by having single-index (Single-core) with
> document_type
> as differentiator.
> Also note that if you have common fields between two databases, you don't
> need to re-define those fields.
> You can make use of the same field for two databases.
> Lets say you have field 'title' in marketing database and magento database.
> You could have one 'title' field defined
> in schema.xml, no need to define two title fields. Also carefully look at
> each fields default values in schema.xml
> Lets say you have some fields in marketing database and those fields does
> not exists in magento db. When your done
> with indexing, if the fields does not have values they will not show up in
> the result. If you want it that way you
> don't need to define default="". If you still want to appear the field
> regardless of data or no data you would have
> to mention default=""
> Ex:
> <field name="year" type="int" indexed="true" stored="true"
> multiValued="false" <b>default=""*/>
> To index two databases together, you can try with DataImportHandler.
> In DataImportHandler you can query multiple data sources. Good thing about
> DataImportHandler is that your datasource
> could be data bases (MySQL, MS-SQL, etc), URLDataSource etc.
> Hope that is helpful
> --
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