Le Tuesday 04 December 2007 03:11:39 marmoute, vous avez écrit :
> On 4 déc. 07, at 00:36, Jiba wrote:
> > I'm also thinking about updating the licence from GPL v2 to GPL v3.
> > As Soya was under the "GPL v2 or any later version" licence, this
> > should not cause any problem. However any comment is welcome :-)
> As GPL v3 is much more "restrictive" and viral than the v2 I'm not so
> sure I agree soya to "update" to this new version. Does anyone have a
> good  pro/cos paper about GLP version updating ?
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Why do you say more GPLv3 is more "viral" than GPLv2 ? 

For me they are very close the only changes are :
 - the no DRM clause 
 - the no patent clause
 - the "extension" clause (that allow to derive with compatible sub licencing)

All this is aligned with the "spririt" of GPLv2 and are only technical changes 
(except for DRM which is a new "topic"). But perhaps I missed something (I am 
actually lost with lawyer language :).

Anyway, as I did not contribute, I have no "right" to particpate to this 

But, I don't know if I have the right to GPLv3 my own code based on soya 
bindings, if soya stay in GPLv2 ??? Anyone knows ?


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