> My problem is that Fernando is being told to defend the existing RFC.

And who told him to do that ? Some one who recommended him to grep for
"insertion" string in the text without understanding the full sentences
where such world may exist ? Hmmm why would anyone do that ?

By that notion it would be much more productive to simply talk to tools
team and update draft submission parser. When in any document "IPv6" and
"insertion" strings occur even once - REJECT. It would save so many emails

And Fernando is doing great job btw - but there is just little problem - no
one is attacking any existing RFC.

> It is up to the SRv6 proposers to argue and defend the changes they want.
> Consensus has to be reached to make a change, not to keep the current
> consensus.

And that is precisely what is happening. The draft quoted mail earlier is a
real prove of that.

Now let's relax and enjoy the weekend :-)

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